At Coastal Prestige Medical Services we understand that Substance Abuse is a life controlling disease. Unlike other resources, we offer Physician based treatment, counseling sessions, and medication-assisted therapy. Dr. Johnnie Ham will help guide you through recovering from your Substance Abuse and regaining your life.
Our Senior Counselor with certifications in Medical Assisted Treatment Counselor and Co-Occurring Disorders Specialist will meet with the patient on a regular basis one on one counseling sessions. These sessions are based on clinically accepted treatment philosophies, and have a high rate of success with the Substance Abuse recovery process.
Medication-assisted treatment for opioid dependence can include the use of buprenorphine (Suboxone) to complement the education, counseling and other support measures that focus on the behavioral aspects of opioid Substance Abuse.
This medication can allow one to regain a normal state of mind - free of withdrawal, cravings and the drug-induced highs and lows of Substance Abuse.